An up and coming new women's group --- South Jersey Women Making a Difference --- recently informed us about themselves and to let us know that POWCOR had been selected to receive a monetary award.
Spokeswoman Deborah Klaszky explained that the group, all professional women from various parts of the state, just formed in January. They meet once a month to not only have fun but also to try, as their name implies, to make a difference by giving back to the South Jersey community.
Each member contributes money at the beginning of the evening, then has the opportunity to nominate a person or group she has a personal interest in and who has need for such a contribution. By evening's end, a nominee is chosen to receive the money collected. We were the fortunate recipients this month, and the group invited us to their July meeting to receive the prize, in this case a check for $110.00.
We certainly appreciate the thoughtfulness of South Jersey Women Making a Difference in selecting POWCOR and wish all the best for them. Needless to say, their donation will be put to good use in our effort to raise money for pancreatic cancer research!